Friday, December 21, 2012

I read a pastor once who said, "Going into the ministry is like throwing up; sometimes you can put it off for a while but eventually you just have to go ahead and do it."

I kind of feel that way about a blog.  I've had people say I should write one.  I've often felt that I had more to say about something than could be posted on Facebook.  I love reading blogs and gaining wisdom, perspective, laughter and sharing life with people that I would never otherwise be able to.

But, to be honest, there are lots of bloggers out there who have much more to share and better ways to say it than I do.  Sometimes, it seems like the height of hubris to post something on the Web, as if to say..."I have the solution!"  What could I possibly say that would add anything of value?  And, there is enough noise, words, speaking, talking, informing out in the world that I don't want to add to that if it's not going to be,  as Proverbs 25:11 says, "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."  Also, as my husband can attest to, I don't always respond well to criticism; yet here I am, opening myself up for it.  Scary, in many ways.

Apparently though, it is time for me to "throw up" and occasionally add my voice.  I have no delusions of grandeur but rather seek to share my thoughts and heart of the moments God has given me.  I also have no idea as to consistency.  I'll post when I have something burning on my heart and I would guess it will end up being like my prayer journals- a sporadic but honest accounting of my moments and days.  Thank you for joining me.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder why no one ever comments to the very first post (or, actually, on most posts). I've wondered that for a long time. So, I tend to read and comment. I love to read those first see why people started. What inspired them...and I love to leave a comment. Just to say, "Hello, I was here. I read what you wrote. I spent time with you was lovely." Enjoyed your writing. And, I will be back to read more... :)
